You are welcome to the Thesis/Dissertation Submission and publication portal of the Special Journal of Laws, Ethics, and Religions. Until you publish your Thesis/Dissertation on the world stage with ISBN numbers with clarified copyright issues, they are not yet yours. If sections of the manuscript have been published as journal articles, they can still be combined as a book with proper annotation to take care of ethics, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest
The thesis is a Masters’s degree research project while a Dissertation is a Doctoral degree research project. In view of the fact that the Thesis and or Dissertation will attract a global audience beyond the four walls of the University the author graduated from, it will be subjected to the stringent error-free peer-review protocol of our electronic books.
We expect a high acceptance rate and little rejection rate because we know the higher institutions passed the Dissertations and Thesis through an internal and external assessment which should naturally erode the rejection rate.
The ranking, names, and location of Universities and institutions of higher learning do NOT and will NEVER play any role in acceptance or rejection of Thesis and Dissertation for publication. Our unbiased objective peer review process is expected to produce high-quality reliable results that will stand the test of time any day any time.
Accepted MS word manuscripts include:
- Ph.D., dissertations,
- M.Sc Thesis,
- B.Sc research projects,
- Diploma (Higher National Diploma, Ordinary National Diploma, and other types of Diploma)
- Certificate (National Certificate of Education, NCE, Associate Certificates, and many more)
Criteria For A Good & Marketable Thesis/Dissertation:
- It must make an important and novel contribution to the field, analytically and/or hypothetically;
- It must be of interest to a suitably large proportion of the professional stakeholder’s discipline or one of the larger sub-disciplines and related readers with diver backgrounds;
- It must be of interest to regional, national and international stakeholders even across professional boundaries,
- It must have a relative approach and presents broadly applicable and cross-cutting results and conclusions that are easy to understand, and apply even among nonprofessionals;
Why Publish Your Thesis/Dissertation With Us Is Because
- You will benefit from our established reputation for quality publications and reliability in many disciplines?
- You will benefit from our global distribution and strong online marketing network with strong local, regional, national, and worldwide outreach
- You will benefit from our highly experienced academic teams that review our Thesis/Dissertation submitted for publication for quality,
- You will benefit from our strong email campaign software for targeted networking and marketing of published books the capacity to keep books of our clients forever ‘in print’ through print-on-demand technology?
- You will benefit from our online presence, promoting books and events through our website and social media.
- You will benefit from our offers of books/chapters given via our interactive content platforms and experience in e-books publication
- You will benefit from our capacity to attend large academic virtual conferences and take part in book exhibitions?