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Special Journals Publisher - SJP - LER +256700488917
Excellence beyond expectations

The Open Access Policy of Special Journal Publishers


Special Journal Publishers is a publishing center of excellence that is based on the principles of not for the profit business plan. Handling of the manuscript submitted for peer review consideration and publication in the journals published by Special Journal Publishers needs some small financial token. We have a cost-sharing policy with the authors whereby everyone contributes to the cost of publishing the accepted manuscript with the authors paying the least possible portion followed by our publishing center and then any sponsor.

Special Journal Publishers do not charge publication fees for accepted journals because we are not for the profit publication center of excellence and reviewers of submitted articles do so on voluntary bases for free of charge. Special Journal Publishers is yet to have sponsorship for paper publication and services delivery of our journals. Therefore authors of accepted papers are advised to take part in our policy of cost-sharing of the processing and handling fee for each journal and its content. This applies to the list of journals covered by our editorial office. This may have to continue until we get a sponsor that will pay to subsidize or erase the cost of publishing with us.

Our open access Philosophy

According to the standard definition of open access, Special Journal Publishers understands and takes open access to be a publication in which the author(s) and copyright holder(s) allow(s) all users a free, binding, global, uninterrupted right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute copied works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship, as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use.

A complete version of the work and all supplemental materials, including a copy of the permission as stated above, in a suitable standard electronic format is deposited immediately upon initial publication in at least one online repository that is supported by an academic institution, scholarly society, government agency, or other well-established organization that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving  

Gold Open Access of Special Journal Publishers

Special Journal Publishers, therefore, operates on the gold open access model (GOAM) because all our content and articles are freely and permanently available for users to read download and use its content provided such content are not plagiarized. It should be clear that open access is not free access. That is why there are different models of open access. Special Journal Publishers, therefore, makes available all articles and related content available for free immediately on the journal’s website.  The readers have nothing to pay for.

Green Open access

Special Journal Publishers is not for the profit and therefore allowed to explore all options depending on the request of the authors or institution or funders provided such repository are freely available and are perfectly controlled by a legal institution or entity or individual who will ensure quality at the time of request remains quality forever.

Authors will also be allowed self-arching with some modification whereby peer reviewed, accepted and published papers can be pasted in a website controlled by the author, the research institution that funded or hosted the work, or to an independent central open repository, where people can download the work without paying provided adequate reference is made to our database in a way to avoid plagiarism. We will not accept papers or documents that did not pass through our peer review system. Documents first published elsewhere can be published in our database provided we have the permissions of the copyright holders and the documents meets our minimum standard for documents that appear in our website.

Hybrid Open access

In line with our not for profit policy Special Journal Publishers will not operate the Hybrid open access journals model that contain a mixture of open access articles and closed access articles 

Bronze Open access

In line with our not for profit policy Special Journal Publishers will not operate the Bronze open access articles that are free to read on the page, may not be available for reuse.

Diamond/platinum Open access

In line with our not for profit policy Special Journal Publishers will not operate the Diamond or platinum open access since we charge authors article processing charges but readers are spared from any charge forever whenever the articles appear online. This may change soon as we get an appropriate sponsor that will subsidies or erase the authors cost-sharing processing charges

FAIR Open access principle

In line with our not for profit policy Special Journal Publishers will operate on the standard of the FAIR an acronym that stands for ‘Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This was supposed to more clearly define what is meant by the term ‘open access’ and make the concept easier to understand and discuss by stakeholders.


Special Journal Publishers is a publishing center of excellence designed to provide academic and research leadership in making sustainable development really sustainable through making available and accessible all its published manuscripts to the stakeholders wherever, and whenever needed.

Thus, it hopes to achieve this objective by providing the center of excellence for professional quality research information for an informed decision by sustainable development stakeholders, with special emphasis on resource-limited and underrepresented populations. In line with its open access policies, Special Journal Publishers increases the visibility, accessibility, distribution, availability, acceptability, and usage of all original high-quality manuscripts submitted to any of our Journals.

Sustainable development and associated information are for everyone in both developed, developing, and underdeveloped countries. Thus the dynamics of sustainable development demand that development should take place at deferent levels and no one should stop developing though the emphasis is placed on the need to help less represented to attain a minimum development threshold. Accessible and available quality information is one step that will help actualize this objective

Development and information

Development and information are two inseparable variables that depend on each other to thrive. Power, affluence, advancement, and better society depend on the quality of information available to the stakeholders per unit point in time. As the world drifts towards professionalism, professionalism drifts towards quality information, and information drifts towards research, the need for detailed research-based information as drivers of professionalism cannot be overemphasized.

There may be so many centers with different types and qualities of information for different purposes but how useful, available and relevant are these information remains a matter for public debate. Special Journals Publications was launched to assist in filling a colossal quality research based information gap for stakeholders with emphasis on resources limited setting and the entire world. Open access and free access is the answer and the magic button that will actualize all these. Be part of it now and forever.


The Open Access Policy Of Special Journal Publishers

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