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The scope of the Special Journal of Law, Ethics, and Religion [SJ-LER] defines the broad limit of what it can accept for publication. Since law, Ethics and Peace issues can happen in all the parts of the society and community, this makes it hard to define a particular scope for Special Journal of Law, Ethics, and Religion [SJ-LER]

We are therefore willing to accept:

Papers on Human Rights, Armed Conflicts, and the Law of Peace and Security with Relevant research topics  

Human rights and global justice;

  1. Root causes of armed conflicts, conflict prevention, and measures to address gender-based violence;
  2. Relationship between international human rights, IHL, and international criminal law; protection of persons and objects under IHL; reparations for serious violations of human rights and IHL;

Privatization of war and human rights

  1. Privatization of war and the law on international responsibility;
  2. Drones, autonomous weapons, and other new military technologies;
  3. International criminal justice and human rights protection;
  4. Interpretation, development, and enforcement of human rights and IHL by international criminal courts and tribunals and by regional courts;

Human rights in emergencies

  1. Human rights in the context of an emergency situation (riots and internal disturbances);
  2. Peace missions and humanitarian operations by the UN and regional organizations;
  3. Institutional and other aspects of the responsibility to protect doctrine;
  4. Transitional justice and societal transformation processes in post-conflict societies;

Humanitarianism and conflict resolution

  1. Humanitarianism, humanitarian assistance, and conflict resolution;
  2. Legal pluralism and traditional forms of conflict resolution and accountability;

Active citizenship and  societal transformation

  1. Role of active citizenship and participation in societal transformation processes in post-conflict societies;
  2. Domestic implementation of international human rights and IHL;
  3. Counter-terrorism, prevention of radicalization, and human rights.
  4. Papers on the punishment, penology, and criminal law with details in

Criminal law and criminal proceedings.

  • The legitimacy of punishment:
  • Normative and empirical investigations of different views of punishment,
  • criminalization- and legislative processes at both national and international level and
  • the possibilities and limitations of legitimate state power in practice

Sociology of punishment

  1. The everyday sociology of punishment: The practice of punishment, everyday life in prison, and the experiences of inmates and employees.
  2. Punishment and globalization processes: The national state’s handling of foreign prisoners and the emergence of international criminal law and international assistance for judicial development.
  3. Various forms of punishment: In addition to imprisonment, other penal sanctions such as fines and community service, as well as more “punitive” phenomena from, for example, immigration- and administrative law

Other scopes of Special Journal of Law, Ethics, and Religion [SJ-LER] including but not limited to

Companies, Markets, and Sustainability

  • Papers within our scope on Companies, Markets, and Sustainability including the law relevant for companies as business entities and as objects of public policy with an emphasis on a deeper understanding of the law and its role in shaping markets and companies and their interaction with economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Contract Law

  • Papers within our scope on Contract Law including the interaction between national and international development trends in light of constitutional theory and practice

Constitutional Law

  • Papers on Constitutional Law and Rights including the interaction between national and international development trends in light of constitutional theory and practice.
  • Papers on Constitutional Studies including the historical and political context, and also in a comparative perspective, that is in the light of the constitutions of countries and of some fundamental ideological criteria for constitutional government leading to a focus on central subjects such as administrative law, welfare law, and philosophy of law.
  • Papers on Constitutional Studies that studies the constitutional law of countries not only in its historical and political context but even in a comparative perspective, that is in the light of the constitutions of those countries and of some fundamental ideological criteria for constitutional government.

Dispute resolution

  • Papers on Dispute resolution is an increasingly central part of lawyers’ work. Alongside studies of traditional civil procedures, mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution have received overwhelming attention as both practical and scholarly subjects.
  • Papers on dispute resolution which is inherently interdisciplinary and international including how changes in dispute resolution processes have had a particularly significant impact on lawyers’ roles, professional ethics, and commitments to carry out socially responsible work.
  • Papers within our scope on dispute resolution with details on the following research areas: Civil procedure, Negotiation and Mediation, Arbitration, Rhetoric, narrative, and visualization in legal contexts, Legal risk management, and the legal profession, Ethics in negotiations and dispute, resolution (with attention to relevant normative and empirical questions

Forum for law and social science

  • Papers within our scope on the forum for law and social science with details on the use of social science theories and methods to study law and legal actors, institutions, discourses, and processes.

Use of social sciences in explaining the origins and patterns of the legal phenomenon

Papers within our scope on the use of social sciences in explaining

  • the origins and patterns of the legal phenomenon,
  • providing different approaches to conceptualizing,
  • describing, interpreting,
  • predicting and critically analyzing legal discourse and institutions, and
  • offering a theoretically and empirically-informed approach to making recommendations for regulatory reform and policy change. 

Human Rights and Sustainable Development.

  • Papers within our scope on the normative, legal, institutional, political and policy analyses of such interconnections of Human Rights and Sustainable Development.
  • Papers within our scope that explores how these processes impact on human rights, and, reciprocally, how human rights norms give important direction to development.

Business and Human Rights

  • Papers within our scope on Business and Human Rights that deals with the role of non-state actors, and the responsibilities of commercial actors for human rights.

Shrinking Political Space and laws

  • Papers within our scope on Shrinking Political Space that deal with the increased number of laws and policies curtailing the work of human rights defenders worldwide.  

Sustainability and Poverty:

  • Papers on Sustainability and Poverty: ‘the right to the city’ and an adequate standard of living in a rapidly urbanizing world.

Economic, social and cultural human rights

  • Papers that explore economic, social and cultural human rights using legal and other social science approaches including poverty, marginalization and increasing inequalities within and across states are serious human rights concerns,  

Governance and socio-economic rights fulfillment.

  • Papers on the policy and institutional perspectives on such threats and challenges related to respecting and implementing human rights include research on governance and the inter-relationship between types of governance regimes and socio-economic rights fulfillment.

Labor Laws and employment

  • Papers on Labour Law and Working Life, labor and employment law with details in Contract law pertaining to employment contracts as well as collective agreements as the cornerstone, including elements of public law as well as additional aspects of private law, conflict of laws, and international law.

Law, Economy, and Governance

  • Papers on Law, Economy, and Governance with details on the relationship between the exercise of public power and legal rules and institutions as conditions of economic activity with emphasis on public and administrative law and economic regulation.  

Law, Society and Historical Change

  • Papers on Law, Society and Historical Change with details on the relationship between the exercise of public power and legal rules and institutions as conditions of economic activity including public and administrative law and economic regulation
  • Papers on the Law, Economy, and Governance (LEGO) with details on how best to gather and create an environment for research on legal rules as institutional conditions of economic activity, straddling different institutes at the faculty.  

Markets Innovations and competition

  • Papers on Markets, Innovation, and Competition with details on Antitrust or competition law, intellectual property law, the law of unfair competition and EU/EEA internal market law with the main activity being the regulation of market conditions as well as enforcement of the law, both through studies of “remedies” as well as through an institutional approach where the competences of different authorities are considered.

Fundamental values and rights during Migration

  • Papers on issues around the phenomenon, migration as multifaceted with legal, social, demographic, political and economic aspects with emphasis on fundamental values and rights, and about exclusion and inclusion.
  • Papers how best to build on and strengthen the collaboration across the Faculty. This means making migration law central to issues far beyond what is normally conceived as migration research, e.g. refugee and asylum law.  

Environmental and Property Laws

  • Papers within our scope on the interrelated fields of property law, national and international environmental law, energy and climate law, indigenous peoples’ right to natural resources, and law-and-economics for nature management and the environment including with issues of legal history and philosophy of law as they relate to the management of natural resources and environmental protection.
  • Papers on Environmental law with details on the effect of their practices on the environment showing the laws and standards that would protect the environment from public and private actions.

Natural Resources Management  Laws

  • Papers within our scope on the development of new research and research methods concerning the management of natural resources and the environment, across traditional legal disciplines including use of general and strategic approach to studying natural resources and environmental law in the context of “relationships” including but not limited to: the relationship between private law issues and public law regulation, the relationship between environmental law and economic law or “sector law”, and the relationship between national and international law.

Welfare, Rights, and discrimination

  • Papers within our scope on Welfare, rights, and discrimination with details in the welfare rights of individuals in times of change and the significance of the non-discrimination principle and the right to equality and self-determination for the status of the individual in terms of welfare rights, both generally and specifically.

Constitutional laws on States and Federal Government relationship

  • Papers within our scope on constitutional law depicting deep understanding of the country’s Constitution in order to understand its every possible interpretation and implementation with an emphasis on how to preserve the relationships between state and federal governments (as well as the internal relationships) and protect the rights of the individual as well drawing heavily from rulings made in the Supreme Court.

Criminal law that on government prosecution 

  • Papers on Criminal law that revolves around governmental prosecution of anyone who is purported to have committed a criminal act, as defined by public law with detailed on why an act cannot be classified as a crime if no precedent has been set by either governmental statute or common law, and suits between two individuals or organizations are considered to be civil, rather than criminal cases.
  • Papers within our scope on Patents that grant an inventor a limited period of exclusive rights to a human-made invention or an improvement on an existing invention, providing a Trademark Office deems it worthy of both technical and legal merit as well as allowing for the protection of every aspect of discovery, from the ornamental design to the processing methods.

Intellectual property (IP) law

  • Papers within our scope on Intellectual property (IP) law that deals with the acquisition and enforcement of patents, trademarks, and copyrights made of three subdivisions: Patent law (focuses on inventions and technology, Trademark law is designed to defend an individual’s or a company’s investment in any distinguishing name, symbol or device and Copyright law deal with the protection of literary, artistic and musical works.

Bankruptcy laws

  • Papers on Bankruptcy laws that deal with debtors (individuals or businesses who owe a debt) or creditors (individuals or businesses to whom the debt is owed) with attention on financial documents and drafting motions and other filings.  
  • Papers on Business law or  “commercial” or “corporate” law with details on all issues that impact businesses including but not limited to the strategic creation of a new entity, and the handling of subsequent issues impacting that entity. Such papers may take a multidisciplinary approach that includes: Tax law, Intellectual property law, Bankruptcy law, Real estate law, Contract law, and Employment law
  • Papers within our scope in the protection and expansion of people’s civil rights with skills from Constitutional law; Disability law; Race and the law; Housing discrimination; Mediation and Trial advocacy

Ethics Scope

Social Ethics

Papers on Social Ethics • Standards that govern how members of a society are to deal with each other on issues such as fairness, justice, poverty and the rights of the individual. OR • the rightness of an action based on the customs and norms of a particular society or community  

Religious Ethics:

Papers on Religious Ethics: • Most religions have an ethical component, often derived from purported supernatural revelation or guidance. Such people do not need to think too much about ethics, because there is an authoritative code of instructions, a handbook of how to live.“

  1. Papers on Religious Ethics: and within our scope, which encompasses the right conduct and good life. A central aspect of ethics is “the good life”, the life worth living or life that is simply satisfying, which is held by many philosophers to be more important than traditional moral conduct. • Some assert that religion is necessary to live ethically.  

Business ethics

  1. Business Ethics • Papers on Business ethics that studies good and evil, right and wrong, and just and unjust actions in business.
  2. Although all managers face difficult ethical conflicts, applying clear guidelines resolves the vast majority of them.
  3. • Ethical traditions that apply to business support truth-telling, honesty, protection of life, respect for rights, fairness, and obedience to the law.

Ethics, Law, and Conduct

  1. Papers that deals with fundamental principles of professionals conduct outlining how ethics is broader than what is stated by law, customs and public opinion including how Ethical behavior differs from society to society
  2. Papers within our scope that define ethical standards and their use to set human ideals and standards of conduct,  moral judgment; moral philosophy, and treatises including their application as the system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, group, profession, etc.
  3. Papers that advances knowledge of Ethics, as the body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behaviors of individuals and groups not arising from any man’s creation but from human nature itself making it a natural body of laws from which man’s laws

Ethics professional application

  1. Papers that deal with Ethics application to economics, politics, and political science, leading to several different and unrelated fields of applied ethics, including Business ethics and Marxism.
  2. Papers within our scope that deal with Ethics application to the family structure, sexuality, and how society views the roles of individuals; leading to several distinct and unrelated fields of applied ethics, including feminism.

Ethics, war, Bussiness, and Engineering 

  1. Papers dealing with Ethics application to war, leading to the fields of pacifism and nonviolence
  2. Papers that deal with Business ethics as blueprints of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within a company with an emphasis on the organization’s culture as set standards for ascertaining the difference between good and bad decision making and behavior.
  3. Papers within our scope that deal with business ethics as knowing the difference between right and wrong and choosing to do what is right with an emphasis on the actions of individuals within an organization, as well as the organization as a whole.

Engineering ethics

  1. Papers that deal with engineering ethics which focuses on increasing your ability to confront moral issues raised by technological activity using codes of the engineering profession which include but not limited to analysis of knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; making efforts to increase the competence and prestige of the Engineering profession among others.
  2. Original papers and review papers that deals with evolution, induction, advance monitoring of the fundamental canons of engineering ethics such as concern for the safety, health, and welfare of the public; performance of services only in the areas of their competence; issuance of public statements only in a neutral and truthful manner; acting in professional matters for each Employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
  3. Again, Original papers and review papers that deal with why and how engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others; how and why Engineers should act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the profession, and finally how Engineers should continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision.

Environmental ethics

  1. Papers that deal with Environmental ethics as determinants of classical ethics which needs high risk and helps in ascertaining poorly charted terrain.
  2. Papers that deal with Environment ethics and its respect for life including its application to the environment, business, law, medicine, technology, international, or nuclear disarmament, human welfare, like the others.

Ethics, life, profession, and moral dilemma 

  1. Papers that deal with Ethical considerations in business with emphasis on why an individual’s personals life and business life cannot be precisely separated with respect to moral judgments.
  2. Papers that deals with organization behaviors contrary to the social system expectation, leading to lose of its market share or face another piece of legislated control but might lose its very right to exist as well
  3. Papers that show that business leaders are responsible for the general social welfare while the managers have responsibilities far beyond those of running the business.
  4. Papers that depict Ethics crucial role in the organization without ethics which organization may stray from its ultimate goal making the real sense for existence to remain undercover.
  5. Papers that depicts Ethics as the backbone of the organization without which the organization would not be able to maintain healthy relations between its stakeholders
  6. Papers which outlines how to resolve Ethical dilemma or moral dilemmas, a situation or problem in which each available and possible course of action breaches some otherwise binding moral principles to decide what is ethical and what is unethical. Such papers should place emphasis on resolving situation which involves conflict between moral requirements.  

Ethics, logic, character, and ecosystem

  1. Papers on Ethical reasoning as a type of reasoning directed towards deciding what to do and, when successful and it comes into play when various individuals enter into relationships with mutual obligations. Such papers should involve weighing of values held by the individuals to result in some course of action or outcome and should be a deciding factor determining what is ethical and unethical.
  2. Papers that deal with morals (i.e. what is ethical) and values (i.e. social principles). Moral values are essentially what society views as acceptable, or fundamentally right, originating from religious views and understanding.

Human-centered ethics or “anthropocentrism

  1. Papers on human-centered ethics also known as “anthropocentrism” The anthropocentric belief is that human beings are the sole bearers of intrinsic value or possess greater intrinsic value than non-human nature. Such papers should show why It is acceptable to employ the resources of the natural world for only human ends and why anthropocentrism focuses more on human ethics.
  2. Papers with details on any theory that views all life as possessing intrinsic value representing a significant departure from classical and traditional ethical thinking. Thus, it focuses on attitude and character rather than moral values.

Eccentric ethics

  1. Papers that deal with any ethics that places an emphasis on ecological wholes and moves away from individual plants and animals and value is placed on these ecological systems as wholes. Thus eccentric ethics are holistic ethics rather than individualistic ethics.  
  2. Papers with details on Deontological moral systems, characterized by a focus on adherence to independent moral rules or duties with emphasis on understanding your correct moral duties and following it makes one morally correct.  

Teleological or consequentialist moral systems

  1. Papers that deal with Teleological or consequentialist moral systems are characterized by a focus on the consequences which any action might have with attention on how to determining the correct consequences when an action can produce a variety of outcomes.  

Virtue-based ethical theories

  1. 31.  Papers that deals with Virtue-based ethical theories with an emphasis on which rules people should follow and focus on helping people develop good character traits, such as kindness, generosity, a character trait that will allow a person to make the correct decisions later on in life including an emphasis on how to stop bad habits of character, like greed or anger. 



  1. Papers with details in East Asian religions   Confucianism, Shinto, Taoism, indicates religions, Buddhism, Charvaka, Hinduism, Meivazhi, Sarnaism, and Sikhism,
  2.  Papers with details in Meivazhi, Sarnaism, Sikhism, Bábism,
  3. Christianity and all ideologies from the Bible including how it affects peoples way of life
  4. Druze, Islam, Judaism, Mandaeism, Black Hebrew Israelites
  5. Papers in Shabakism, Yazdânism, Zoroastrianism, Indigenous (ethnic, folk) religions, African, Altaic, American, Austroasiatic
  6. Austronesian, Chinese, European, Japanese, Korean, Tai and Miao, Tibeto-Burmese, Other Indigenous],
  7. Papers in New Hindu derived religions
  8. Black Churches.
  9. Christianity and Economics.
  10. Church and Social Action.
  11. Church Sex Abuse Scandal.
  12. Creationism.
  13. Homosexuality and Religion.
  14. Intelligent Design.
  15. Modernism and Religion.
  16. Pastoral and Religious Counseling
  17. Religion and Evolution
  18. Religion and Mental Health
  19. Religion and Sex
  20. Religion in the Workplace
  21. Religious Education
  22. Science and Religion
  23. Sociology of Religion
  24. Teenagers and Religion
  25. Theocracy
  26. Women and Religion
  27. Women Clergy
  28. The primal religions
  29. Animalism and totemism, their manifestations in the modern world
  30. Polytheistic religions and mythology. Similarities in myths and images of the gods
  31. Greek myths and religion, their impact on the European culture
  32. The phenomenon of trickster gods
  33. The female goddesses triad: the maiden, the mother and the hag
  34. World religions and science
  35. Monotheistic religions: similarities and differences
  36. Religions and laws in the modern world
  37. Theocratic states and the influence of religion there
  38. Religion and daily life. How do people implement religious practices in the modern world?
  39. Is Atheism a religion too?
  40. World religions that have no gods
  41. The concept of soul in different religions
  42. The history of Christianity
  43. The history of Islam
  44. The history of Judaism
  45. Nordic mythology and religion in modern world
  46. Religion and wars. Chaplainship
  47. Religion in modern Japan
  48. Religious counseling versus classical psychology
  49. Attitude to sex of different religions
  50. Religions and gender
  51. Children and religions. Are children considered innocent in all the religions?
  52. Teenagers and religion. Can faith help overcome the harshness of puberty?
  53. Female clergy in different religions
  54. Women and Islam
  55. Religions and economics
  56. Religions and LGBTQ+ people
  57. Hinduism and Islam in India
  58. The history of Hinduism and its impact on modern Indian culture
  59. Confucianism
  60. Crisis of faith, what is it?
  61. The concept of reincarnation in world religions
  62. The afterlife: similarities and differences in different religions
  63. Black churches
  64. Yoga: a health or religious practice?
  65. Zoroastrianism
  66. What causes a new religion to emerge?
  67. Shamanism from the dawn of the history to modern days




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